Social Media Management for Real Estate Agents

How to make Social Media work for you as a Real Estate Agent

I'm sure we can all agree that Social Media is here to stay. And today's Real Estate Agent absolutely positively needs a strong presence on the internet today. Why you ask?

Today's home seller or buyer is on the internet. They're on social media platforms. Many times they search their favorite social media platforms to get a feel for a Real Estate Agent before they hire one. It's important to buyers and sellers today that their Real Estate Agent can handle their transaction...and they want to know that you have a good strong social media presence to get the job done.

Can you get the job done without using social media at all? Of course you can! But that's not the point. The point is that your prospects want you to have a strong social media presence...and that's all that matters...what your prospects want. That's the nature of your business, right?

Let us show you which social media platforms you need to be on...and what you need to be doing on them.

In addition to the training in this course, when you sign up we will email you updates and tips that change or come up on the social media you can always have the upper hand with your Social Media Management.

Your Instructor

Kerry Flinders
Kerry Flinders

First a Realtor, then a Mortgage a Social Media Manager. Here to share my expertise and knowledge to help others succeed!

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